SMA Membership Lunch Meeting

Date: April 10, 2025


SPEAKER:  Colin McCarthy , Attorney at Lanak and Hanna 

TOPIC:  Accord & Satisfaction 

Construction is very transactional, and things change almost daily.  Everyone deserves to get paid for services or goods rendered.    Contractors and dealers have to make adjustments and can agree to accept a different amount of money, a form of payment or altered terms of payment.  Most of these transactions go well. However, they can also go very wrong.   There are laws that can help or hurt you, you need to be aware of the basic rules to protect yourself.   Dealing with good people are never a problem, it is that person who knows how to play the game and then takes advantage of your good nature.  DO NOT GET CAUGHT, GET PAID what you are owed.    Come learn how to protect yourself.  


Space is limited. Plan to attend and sign up now. 




Event Information:

  • Anaheim Hills Golf Club
    6501 E Nohl Ranch Rd
    Anaheim Hills, CA
  • 11:30 am: Registration & Networking
  • 12 pm: Lunch & Program
  • 48 hour cancellation required. No-Shows will be billed.


Members: $75

Non-members: $85


The Clubhouse at Anaheim Hills Golf Course
6501 E Nohl Ranch Rd
Anaheim Hills, CA
US Map and Directions

Available Spaces: Unlimited

Price: $75.00